Love INC of Sheboygan County

Love INC of Sheboygan County’s purpose is to mobilize local Christian churches to transform lives and communities through relationships, in the name of Christ.

We are members of Christian Churches, united in purpose and living out our faith through loving service to the people in our communities.  Opening our hearts to give and receive love, truth, and compassion as we are joined together in Christ.

This spirit of “working together” is evident in our communities through:

· Churches in partnership.

· Service Organizations learning and succeeding in realizing their missions.

· Everyone making progress toward the fullness of Life


· Prayer is an integral part of who we are.

· We follow Christ’s example of valuing all people.

· We value transformation in the lives of people and communities.

· We value building Christ-like relationships, recognizing these represent the “fullness of Life.”

· We are Christian, what we think, say, and do is “in the name of Christ.”

· We respect unity in the Body of Christ.

· We join and support Churches in living out the two great commandments to “love God” and “love our neighbors.”

· We honor the connectedness of the LOVE INC movement.

· We model excellence in our operation, including our commitment to stewardship of all resources.

· We continually mature in our capacity to recognize and meet the needs of all people – especially, those requesting services and our Volunteers.

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